Friday, May 4, 2012

A Book and a Conversation

My all-time favorite book to give a new mom (and by that I mean a mom with a new baby, doesn't matter what number it is) is this one: On the Night You Were Born by Nancy Tillman. A friend of my mom's, who I also know, sent it to Pacey when he was born. It is a gorgeous story to read to a little one about how happy the world was when his/her little unique self was born. It was one of the most meaningful gifts I received after Pacey's birth and it still tugs my heart whenever I read it.

I was really excited, therefore, to find another of Ms. Tillman's books at the library: Wherever You Are: My Love Will Find You. It is written in a similar style to the previous one and is a lovely variation on the theme of a parent's neverending and unconditional love. I am not sure why this author's books touch me so much but I just adore them. The illustrations are wonderful too, and help keep really little ones engaged in a story that might be a tad schmoopy to hold their interest ;) They combine intricate "real" detail (like a very modern pair of sneakers on the child) with whimsical appearances of animals in otherwise mundane scenes, like the child sitting on a park bench with two pandas.

Anyway, I really can't recommend these two books highly enough.


A conversation exchange that happened in the car the other day:

Brighton: I really, really want some apple juice!

Me: Ok, you can have some with your lunch. Do you want a quesadilla today? (her favorite)

Brighton: Nooooooo, I don't liiiiiiiiike quesadillas!! I just want orange juice!

Me: *clamping lips shut as there is no good response to this preschool illogic*

Brighton (in a sad, pathetic voice): I just really wanted a quesadilla.

We're still a week away from the official start, but I think age three might be a year to Just Get Through.

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