Friday, October 28, 2011

Kids with Ds (Alternate title: Good Excuse for a Photo Post)

Love their pets:

Have tea parties:

 Take naps in funny positions:

Stomp in puddles:

Play with worms:

Eat ice cream cones:

Scare the sh*t out of you leaping off things:

Go to school:

Watch football games:

Indulge their sisters:

Read books:

Pose like pros:

Embrace technology:

 Play with stomp rockets:

Conquer the playground:

Completely steal your heart:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always read your blog but never post comments! I wanted to comment about your FANTASTIC photos and blog yesterday but never got around to it. :)
Then I read your blog today and was WOWed. Such simple words yet such a powerful message.
I was showing S about it and as he is viewing the first photo he proceeds to ask me when you took the photo of A with Huff/Simon (not sure which one is in the photo). I started giggling because it confirms your blog from yesterday!! Thanks for writing. Even though I do not comment as much as I should, I LOVE what you do! SD