Thursday, September 27, 2012

Her Sugar Balances Out the Spice

Thanks for all the supportive comments about my ordeal yesterday. It took me the rest of the day and a stiff drink or two to recover fully. We are now going to be a household without a dog door (the only escape route we hadn't locked off yet) which will take some getting used to, but not as much as it would take to get used to not having our Pacey.

On a sweet note, the kids were goofing around before we read bedtime stories last night and Brighton grabbed her brother close and said, "My best, best boy, we were so worried when you were lost." She loves him so much. I love seeing how she is naturally developing something of a protective role over him; it's not something I'd want to specifically task her with, but I'm glad to know she'll always be watching out for him too.

Please note, regarding her eye, that I have not resorted to beating my daughter (yet). She woke up on Tuesday morning with it sort of puffy and it got worse through the day. We went to the doctor and they decided she probably had an infection stemming from a scratch on the adjacent temple. I was given strict instructions to come back if the swelling hadn't decreased by the next day. So of course she woke up and it was swollen completely shut...back to the doctor we went. Two copays to determine it was probably a bug bite, but thankfully not the serious type of infection that can damage one's vision.

If you don't hear from me for awhile, it's because I'm busy researching a bubble (a LOCKING bubble) that we can all live out our days in.


Unknown said...

So glad to hear your night ended on a sweet note!

Elsha said...

Ah, sibling relationships are just the sweetest! My daughter is very protective of both her younger brothers. I love it.

Those moments are the ones that make you think- THIS. This is why I had more than one.

Heather said...

Scorch calls Bean "baby girl." It gets me every time.

Hope the swelling around B's eye goes down soon!